Bachelor of Education

The subject Empirical Educational Research forms a mandatory sub-subject of the Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) regardless of the subject combination. 

Structure of Studies Bachelor of Education

In the field of educational science, a total of 18 ECTS credits (cr) must be completed in the bachelor's degree program in grammar school teaching.

Elements of Study  ECTS-Credits
Basic Module Educational Science                            9
Elective module Educational Science Bachelor                            3
Orientation Module                            6

Preallocation (bachelor's students) in courses from the Master of Education

Advanced BA students also have the option of pre-requisite courses from the Master of Education. If you are interested in a course, please contact the office of Empirical Educational Research. If there is still sufficient capacity they can register you for the course.

Performance record 

Please note that all examination credits are stored centrally in electronic form.


Who do I have to contact in order to have study and examination credits recognized?

Please send only complete applications for the recognition of courses in educational science to the Fachstudienberatung Empirische Bildungsforschung.

What do I have to do if I cannot participate in an exam due to illness?

To ensure that you do not receive a NB (failed) in the system, we require the "examination withdrawal" form from you in any case. You must have this form filled out and signed by your doctor. The office Empirical Educational Research will then make the entry in the system.

Further information you will find here.

examination credits in ZEuS are not assigned correctly, what can I do?

The Sekreatariat_Bildungsforschung is responsible for this request. Please feel free to write an e-mail or go directly to the opening hours. (Please always indicate your matriculation number in the e-mail).

Where do I have to register for the seminars?

Registration for the seminars is done via ZEuS. Please note that there is a registration period.

Summer semester: 15.03.-30.03.
Winter semester: 15.09.-30.09.

How do I request an academic adjustment

You can find the information here

Please note the deadlines: As a rule, the NTA should be submitted at least 4 weeks before the measure is implemented. This deadline is not a cut-off period and can be handled flexibly under certain circumstances